Whats your opinion?
God and the pledge
By http://www.daytondailynews.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/education/entries/2005/09/14/god_and_the_ple.html#postcomment Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 03:09 PM
TV news networks are reporting a federal judge has again ruled that schools cannot force kids to recite “under God” as part of the pledge of allegiance.
This is the same case in which a California federal appeals court ruled against “under God.” In that case, the plaintiff was a divorced parent and court ultimately ruled that he did not have standing to bring the claim, I think because his children did not live with him, if I remember right.
This is the same case, but other parents joined the suit, so there was not problem with standing. MSNBC reported the judge said he had no choice but to uphold the appeals court’s prior ruling that requiring kids to say “under God’ was compelling a religious act and therefore unconstitutional.
This issue now seems likely to be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
What do you think about “under God’ in the pledge?
Not allowing us to say it is just as discriminatory as people feeling they don't want to say it. If you don't want to say it don't but don't stop the ones that want to from saying it.
That's the problem though. If the class says it one way and there is one child who doesn't, they are likely to be singled out and treated differently. I'm all for the moment of silence to allow children to think anything they want. But forcing anything out loud that can cause any more pain for a child, because of what they do or don't believe, is wrong.
I don't think anyone should be forced to say anything about religion at all. I pretty much fall in the same category as Suzette.
But at the same time - I think this is really mostly a distraction right now. In fact it bummed my out when I heard about the ruling because it just gives the religious nut-jobs more ammunition and ultimately just diverts our attention from the things that matter most.
perhaps we should substitute "insert your deity here" for "under god" and this way everyone says the same thing but each knows what they really mean.
and who's the longeray person trying to advertise....put a block on that stuff.
I say that I wouldn't want anyone to be forced to say something they don't want to, but I don't think it is right to have it removed all together. I don't think someone not participating will single them out at all. There were probly people who didn't say it when I went to school and I couldn't tell you who. I don't think people really pay attention to stuff like that.
Okay, Spork is Frank. I'm shocked! Okay, I'm not really.
Ok I think everyone is too whiny about things, you will never satisfy everyone. There are much more important issues out there then whether someone sees the ten commandments at or courthouse or whether the pledge has god in it.
Sure, cause freedom isn't an important issue at all.
Yes freedom is important, but which is it freedom to say the pledge with god in it, or freedom not too. Freedom to post the ten commandment or freedom not have to see them there. Freedom goes both ways, if people weren't so sensitive to things that really don't affect them it wouldn't such an issue. Like I said you can't please everyone...there has to be some compromise in this world. Saying God in the Pledge never killed me I didn't burst into flames because I didn't believe there was a god. Not saying it wouldn't kill someone who doesn't believe. What I am saying is there are more important things then this one issue. Starving and/or abused kids all over our country..murders..rapes, I would rather our government and courts focus on these issues.
I agree with you.
Freedom means not forcing a child to say the pledge or be singled out in school. If someone wants to say the pledge, they can, quietly under their breath all day long. A school making it part of a required agenda is not freedom. There aren't more important issues. They all come from the same place. I want to be allowed to live my life making choices for myself. Every little issue is part of the big one; how much control over your life do you want the government to have? If you allow schools to force children to say the pledge of allegiance as is, or just stand silent, you are taking away the freedom of that child to not have to divulge their religious beliefs to others. Right now, in this time, if I were muslim or one of the other non judeo-christian religions I certainly would not want to stand out. And most certainly would not want my children to.
And you may not have burst into flames saying it but you didn't have a big problem with it. Some people do and it's their freedom that is at issue. I would absolutely refuse to swear on my childs life. I don't give a damn what court told me I had to. THAT would mean something to me. Just as some people have such a strong feeling for their religion that they are unable to say the words without having a personal dilemma because of it.
The courts don't focus on starving children. There are agencies who are supposed to prosecute those who are doing the starving. The courts have already made laws for that.
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