People rave about Clinton..... how funny.

As President Bush tours Asia, he faces trouble at home. In a new poll, his approval rating has dipped to 37 percent -- a record low for him. But it's not the lowest rating for any president. Below, see where ratings bottomed out for each president over the past 50 years, starting with a comparison of Bush and Clinton.
Or hit the minuses. I mean if we don't like him and nobody else in the world does either, can't we start subtracting?
I like him.
Yes. That's a shining recommendation. I've changed my mind.
Clinton's low point was near the beginning of his first term. What's more telling is what Clinton's approval rating was at a similar point in his second term or even more importantly what Clinton's rating was at the time of his impeachment. At that point Clinton was in the 70% approval area. Because he had managed to balance the budget create a huge surplus and the economy was surging. Gas was below a dollar a gallon in some places and the US/NATO mission in Kosovo had about ended with the capture of Milosovic and without a single US military death. And the reason the the Republican Congress used for impeaching him - lying about an affair - most Americans really didn't care about.
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