SweetLiddia's World

Friday, September 30, 2005

Funny Things We have Heard People Say!

I just thought if would be funny to hear any stories about funny things we have heard people say.

For instance just yesterday while we were having dinner, I made fish and potatos and corn. Well Kira didn't want to eat the corn. She look at me and said "mom, I'm just not a corny person". Of course she didn't get it, but I thought it was funny.

And then she was telling me about some girl at school that had poked another girl and tramped on someone else's foot, I asked her did the girl do it on purpose and she said "No, but she meant to do it".

Uncle Gary and Emily will understand soon enough, anyway I just thought it might be something fun to share.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Song Kira Learned

this is an audio post - click to play

Now this is something I could do!!

Husband sinks yacht to stop wife selling it
A spurned husband has been accused of sinking a £100,000 yacht to stop his ex selling it cheap.
Mark Bridgwood allegedly used an axe on the 35ft ketch Rebel at its berth in Dartmouth after his wife Tracey advertised it for £40,000.
The attack destroyed the seacock, the device that pumps water from the engine. As a result, the yacht sank, leaving only parts of the two masts above water.
Mrs Bridgwood, 42, a waitress at a Dartmouth hotel, and her husband are believed to be in the process of a divorce.
"It was a beautiful boat and he sank it," she said. "What more can I say? I am really fed up with it all. There was an argument between us."
The yacht was advertised in the Torquay-based Herald Express for £40,000 for "a quick sale".
The advertisement read: "Ocean going 35ft sail boat. Fibre glass. All the extras. Make a nice river side home. Owner must sell quickly. Hence £40,000. Any quick cash offer seriously considered."
Capt David White, the harbourmaster at Dartmouth, said the couple would be asked to meet the £10,000 cost of the salvage operation.
A police spokesman said: "As far as we are concerned, no crime has been committed and it is a matter for the harbour authorities."

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


As everyone knows winter is coming and its already very cold. I am living in a new house that has oil heat. The cost for me to heat my home according to my oil company and another company I call will be $717.00 a month. Donations can be made directly to Liddia, Thank You!

Monday, September 26, 2005

WHAT THE.......

WASHINGTON (Sept. 26) - Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who has used her son's death in Iraq to spur the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House. Sheehan and several dozen other protesters sat down on the sidewalk after marching along the pedestrian walkway on Pennsylvania Avenue. Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests. Sheehan, 48, was the first taken into custody. She stood up and was handcuffed, then led to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, "The whole world is watching." Others who were arrested also cooperated with police. Sgt. Scott Fear, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said they would be charged with demonstrating without a permit, which is a misdemeanor. Park Police Sgt. L.J. McNally said Sheehan and the others would be taken to a processing center where they would be fingerprinted and photographed, then given a ticket and released. The process would take several hours, he said. Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Casey, was killed in an ambush in Sadr City, Iraq, last year. She attracted worldwide attention last month with her 26-day vigil outside President Bush's Texas ranch. Sheehan was among several hundred demonstrators who marched around the White House on Monday and then stopped in front and began singing and chanting "Stop the war now!" Organizers had said some planned to be arrested. The demonstration is part of a broader anti-war effort on Capitol Hill organized by United for Peace and Justice, an umbrella group. Representatives from anti-war groups were meeting Monday with members of Congress to urge them to work to end the war and bring home the troops. The protest following a massive demonstration Saturday on the National Mall that drew a crowd of 100,000 or more, the largest such gathering in the capital since the war began in March 2003. On Sunday, a rally supporting the war drew roughly 500 participants. Speakers included veterans of World War II and the war in Iraq, as well as family members of soldiers killed in Iraq. "I would like to say to Cindy Sheehan and her supporters don't be a group of unthinking lemmings. It's not pretty," said Mitzy Kenny of Ridgeley, W.Va., whose husband died in Iraq last year. The anti-war demonstrations "can affect the war in a really negative way. It gives the enemy hope."

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dumb Criminals

Someone is trying to rob me of my…
August 30, 2005 @ 12:07 pm · Filed under Drugs, Dumb Criminals
A less than intelligent Queens man was jailed after he called cops to report that he was being robbed — of his pot, prosecutors said. Jean Mere, 21, allegedly dialed 911 last Wednesday to report a holdup. “I called the police because someone was trying to rob me of my marijuana,” Meme told cops, according to court papers. “That is my car and my marijuana. I was going to sell the marijuana.” Police spotted more than 8 ounces of pot in plastic bags inside the car. Meme, of Queens Village, was ordered held on $2,000 bail at his arraignment.

Jury Duty
May 9, 2005 @ 12:16 am · Filed under Other
In Fredericksburg, Texas, there is a local ne’er-do-well. His criminal acts include such gems as offering to send a bomb to the local District Attorney, and assaulting the girl’s basketball coach during an argument about his daughter’s game. Mostly, though, he upsets the local cops by committing some minor infraction, and then racing home to his junkyard (a genuine junkyard), locking the gates and refusing to come out and be arrested. In order to avoid a Waco-type standoff, they mostly just let him stay inside. One day, however, a worker at the courthouse noticed that this guy’s name came up on the list to be sent a summons for jury duty. She mentioned to the Sheriff that she out to just throw it away, right? And the Sheriff told her to send it anyway. Lo and behold, on the day the jury convened, who should show up but our hero, who was promptly arrested and hauled off to jail. Guess you can’t let a little fear of arrest stop you from performing your patriotic duties.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Just a question for fun!

If you were able to change only 3 things in this country today to benefit not just yourself what would you do?

Friday, September 23, 2005


Ok, this is for those of you who are coming. We are going to make wreaths. You will need to bring a wreath ring for yourself. Aunt Sandi and I are going to get some pinecones from the cemetary. Also I thought if everybody wanted to bring something to put on the wreath and we could all just pick and chose things. I will be getting some stuff, but I don't really know what. I have never made a wreath. I am open to any suggestions. I am going to smoke something to eat for all of us. I thought everybody could bring something else, covered dish or dessert. Let me know what you are bringing because my mom and aunt sandi need to know before hand. Also Suzette, Aunt Sandi said you would be bringing something for the kids to do, let me know. And as far as the time goes for this thing, I wasn't really going to set one, I just figured we could set aside the whole day because my mom can't come until she is off work and Bridget has activities that day, so whenever your ready to come just come on!

Now I think I could beat that

Fastest text messageKimberly Yeo Sue Fern (Singapore) typed a prescribed 160-character text on her mobile phone in 43.2 sec on 27 June 2004 at the Singtel SMS Shootout 2004 competition in Singapore.

Kimberly Yeo Sue Fern
27 June 2004
43.2 sec

Thursday, September 22, 2005

It took me a minute, but I got it.


Just since everybody is doing tests!


Results of "The Test"
How bitchy are you?Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
While you're not completely bitchy, you're no saint either. You have the occasional flare up of nastiness, and have been known to stoop low to get what you want. Perhaps you've pulled some dirty tricks in the game of love, or you've gotten huffy with friends when things are not going your way. Whatever the dirty deed, the root of your behavior could be a plain old-fashioned bad mood - it happens to the best of us, but just be careful not to let it happen too often. If, on the other hand, your malice is intentional and calculated, then you should rethink your attitude. You may be making some enemies!

Not sure if I like these results. I am much nicer than this thing is making me out to be.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just Cause you don't like him...haha!

Whats your opinion?

God and the pledge
By http://www.daytondailynews.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/education/entries/2005/09/14/god_and_the_ple.html#postcomment Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 03:09 PM
TV news networks are reporting a federal judge has again ruled that schools cannot force kids to recite “under God” as part of the pledge of allegiance.
This is the same case in which a California federal appeals court ruled against “under God.” In that case, the plaintiff was a divorced parent and court ultimately ruled that he did not have standing to bring the claim, I think because his children did not live with him, if I remember right.
This is the same case, but other parents joined the suit, so there was not problem with standing. MSNBC reported the judge said he had no choice but to uphold the appeals court’s prior ruling that requiring kids to say “under God’ was compelling a religious act and therefore unconstitutional.
This issue now seems likely to be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
What do you think about “under God’ in the pledge?

The Spork Issue

Alright Spork has got to be Frank. I can't think of anyone else who would make their name rhyme with dork.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunday, September 18, 2005

October 8th

For those of you who are attending our new craft day it will be on October 8th. Let me know if that date isn't ok.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


To post an audio message you have to go to audioblogger.com its free, but you have to set up an account. I have no scanner so if you would like to post some pics suzette feel free. As far as the opal earrings go SS, I think you know what you can do. Alrighty then, Bye

Friday, September 16, 2005

Alright I have created a blog and no one likes to leave me messages. I am very upset about all of this. I might just throw myself off a cliff. Maybe I will just get over it. Bye

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play


I don't know what I am doing, but here it is, I have a blog. Sounds kind of funny doesn't it.